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I Will Never Leave You - Page 7



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Originally this part wasn’t going to be part of the comic, but Rated suggested doing this to show that Pansy didn’t care about who an ally or not, she’s saddened that there was so much death and wanted to give the departed a decent funeral. It also makes sense for pegasi to cremate their dead since the ashes will fly into the sky, keeping in the mindset of the pegasi society being in the air.

Once more, I had a lot of fun doing the lighting for this page. The third panel was a lot of fun to work on. I spent a while looking at pictures of people looking at fires, you'd be surprised how many are there in the internet.

Art by James Corck.
Story by Rated R. Ponystar
Image size
1935x2449px 5.66 MB
© 2013 - 2024 jamescorck
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ilubatar's avatar

I love your symbolism about "the ashes" <3